Project Description
This project originated from a newly established group on my college campus. Their goal is to promote a new form of education called Project-Based Learning, which involves teaching through projects centered around addressing issues in students' communities. The participants collaborate to solve these issues in their own ways, ultimately discovering careers that they can apply back to benefit their communities
Jessica Arteaga, Angelica Gutierrez, Jake Hayutin, Anthony Hernandez, Jihae Lim, Sammy Schreier
Project Concept
P3BL is a new form of learning that focuses on civic learning and workforce skills. It incorporates problem, place, and personalized learning or the 3 Ps.
Brand Strategy Workshop
In this strategy meeting we discussed the brand's goals to narrow a focus. From the meeting we learned that their was a strong focus on giving back to the community. The program will help students figure out jobs they want to pursue by focusing on a project that needed a solution. These projects were community focused. So by already studying how to help their communities, students can find a place in them. With this approach it was important for us to highlight their educational and communal goals.
Brand Strategy Workshop
Brand Strategy Workshop
Brand Attributes
Brand Attributes
Brand Attributes Summary
Brand Attributes Summary
Stakeholder Attributes
Stakeholder Attributes
Client Voting
Client Voting
Client Goals
Client Goals
Client Goals Explanation
Client Goals Explanation
Since this was a new approach to learning, I tried focusing a look that would be inviting to students and professional to future business contributors. These blues were colors I thought were in between bright and professional.  The font, Proxima Nova, is a workhouse font that has large use and still remains bold to be impressionable. This stylescape shows what I would be focusing on when designing the brand.
We were asked each to come up with three different logo concepts. My thoughts for the brand were to look at representing students, learning, and the name P3BL. We were working off little client insight such as "innovative, real world focus, and civic professionals". My different idea tried to hit these different marks but I ultimately favored the hand symbol as it is fun and nods to learning.
Final Logo
Projects Using The Brand
My direction did not end up being chosen but I was assigned to make posters and infographics with the established brand from my colleague in the internship. Bellow is the branding created and how I applied it to the posters and infographics.
Branding: Jihae Lim
Logo Design: Jake Hayutin
Event Flyer
Event Flyer
This project was a great challenge to work with clients starting a new brand. They were trying to figure out their organization as much as my group was figuring out theirs. Client workshops provided better focus of the organization's intentions and helped my team get some more ideas coming off of the idea of learning. It was a brand that could have gone any direction and I am happy with what me and my team had produced.
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